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Powder Coatings

High energy-saving potential and excellent flexibility

Powder coatings are inherently environmentally friendly, with no solvents and minimal material waste. They owe their success not least to their environmental friendliness, strong performance, durability, and variety of colours. However, the powder coating characteristics go even beyond their well-known sustainable properties. Powder coatings can support the reduction of energy consumption and the minimization of CO2 emissions. Furthermore, with powder coatings we can foster environmentally friendly product applications and contribute to the circular economy. Start now to balance your ecological and economical goals. At KANSAI HLEIOS Italy we’re delighted to provide detailed consultation tailored to your specific needs and possibilities.

Our advanced and cutting-edge production facilities in Italy optimize the manufacturing process, enabling us to supply you with powder and PVC coatings for various applications such as office furniture, garden furniture, cladding panels, machine tools, valves, heaters, lights, and much more.

close-up of an office furniture
yellow metal chairs outside
Powder Coatings in various colour shades and textures

Our coating systems open up completely new perspectives for functional coatings of the future. Depending on the application, a modern coating can be resistant to chemicals, anti-bacterial, conductive, thin-layered, non-slip, textured, metallic, or pearlescent. The number of variations is almost endless.


At KANSAI HELIOS Italy, we have a stock of more than 400 RAL colors available at all times. We offer a wide range of Qualicoat certified powders. One of the key benefits we provide is the fast availability of both standard and customized powder coating solutions.



Explore the latest powder colour trends

Would you like to try out the latest trend colors? Contact us now and receive the current Colour Guide or even a sample in your desired color or texture.

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